- Serving FL, MD, DC, VA
- (813) 279-1446 (Florida) or (443) 569-8882 main office /(410) 697-3623 fax
Veterans Center for Wellness
The Veterans Center for Wellness provides a comprehensive approach to supporting the mental well-being of service members and their families. We understand the unique challenges that our military families face. We offer various services to reduce stress, increase mood, and promote overall well-being.
Our licensed mental health therapists and certified personal trainer provide a safe and supportive environment for our military families to build good coping skills that increase mental well-being. We also teach mindfulness techniques so that our military families learn to find peace in the present moment and navigate daily challenges with increased resilience.
Our goal at the Veterans Center for Wellness is to empower our military families to lead healthy and fulfilling lives.
Free Mental Health Quiz
Become the best version of yourself. Destigmatize mental health conditions by getting the support and care you need. Online screening is one of the quickest and easiest ways to determine whether you are experiencing symptoms of compromised mental health.
Please take the test and contact our office for feedback and an appointment at (443) 569-8882 to ask about counseling services.
Healing Starts Here
Don’t let mental blocks control you. Set yourself free. Confront your fear and turn the mental blocks into building blocks.”
Support Services
People with PTSD often experience intense thoughts and feelings related to their traumatic experiences. Click here to learn more about PTSD and Trauma.
Counseling for Depression
Are you feeling hopeless, isolated, and not your usual self? We Can Help You. Click here to learn more about depression counseling.
Through mindfulness techniques, veterans learn tools for managing stress in everyday life and coping with challenging emotions.
Group therapy’s effectiveness lies in its ability to help you find connections with other people and their experiences.
We are your support for mental health DBQs and Nexus Letters
Primary Report Packages
You will receive a well-developed Nexus letter with a timeline of your mental health experiences and one DBQ (PTSD, Mental Health Disorders, or Eating Disorder Report) form to support your mental health claim.
Enhanced Report Packages
You will receive a well-developed Nexus letter and option (a): two DBQ (PTSD, Mental Health Disorders, or Eating Disorders Report) forms to support your mental health claims or option (b) one DBQ form and one Aid in Attendance form.
Premium Report Packages
You will receive a well-developed Nexus letter, two DBQ (PTSD, Mental Health Disorders, or Eating Disorders Report) forms to support your mental health claims, and an Aid in Attendance form.
About Us
Veterans Center for Wellness
By reducing stress and promoting overall wellness, the Veterans Center for Wellness strives to support our nation’s heroes in leading fulfilling lives after their service.
The Veterans Center for Wellness specializes in treating service members and families